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My Philosophy
...every child has the right to a nurturing, safe environment where they are comfortable and feel safe while learning.
...children have a right to develop to thier maximum potential and that I, as their teacher, have the responsibility to provide ample opportunities, various experiences and an advantageous learning environment to meet a child's learning style so that they may flourish in a constant altering world.
...that each child is unique and should be valued for their own individuality.
  • I honor, respect and accept diversity among children; either developmental, emotional, physical or racial and cultureal heritage.
  • i recognize that all opportunities must be equitable for every child.
...every child has the right to develop a positive self-image.
  • I understand that feelings of self-worth, confidence, trust and physical wellbeing are important to a child.
...those who share a mutual interest in a child must work co-operatively to nurture, promote growth and learning.  Thereby resulting in a child who is a successful, confident and productive citizen within today's ever changing society.
  updated 2020/2012/2003

 Mrs. Adams 

Room 17a
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